Goal 1: Reduce poverty and enhance work and employment prospects
- Indicator 1.1: Proportion of persons with disabilities living below the US$ 1.25 (PPP) per day international poverty line, as updated by the World Bank and compared to the overall population
- Indicator 1.2: Ratio of persons with disabilities in employment to the general population in employment
- Indicator 1.3 : Proportion of persons with disabilities who participate in government-funded vocational training and other employment-support programmes as a proportion of all people trained
Goal 2: Promote participation in political processes and in decision-making
- Indicator 2.1: Proportion of seats held by persons with disabilities in the parliament or equivalent national legislative body
- Indicator 2.2: Proportion of members of the national coordination mechanism on disability who represent diverse disability groups
- Indicator 2.3: Proportion of those represented in the national machinery for gender equality and women’s empowerment who are persons with disabilities
- Indicator 2.4: Proportion of polling stations in the national capital that are accessible with processes in place that ensure confidentiality of voters with disabilities
Goal 3: Enhance access to the physical environment, public transportation, knowledge, information and communication
- Indicator 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4: Proportion of accessible government buildings in the national capital; Proportion of accessible international airports; Proportion of daily captioning and sign-language interpretation of public television news programmes; Proportion of accessible and usable public documents and websites that meet internationally recognized accessibility standards
- Indicator 3.5: Proportion of persons with disabilities who need assistive devices or products and have them
Goal 4: Strengthen social protection
Goal 5: Expand early intervention and education of children with disabilities
Goal 6: Ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment
Goal 7: Ensure disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction and management
Goal 8: Improve the reliability and comparability of disability data
Goal 9: Accelerate the ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the harmonization of national legislation with the Convention