
Government responses

Social protection and employment support

  • [2 April 2020] In Tonga, 1.3 million Tongan pa’anga has been designated for the Safety and Protection Cluster. This aims to increase the welfare scheme for vulnerable people, including persons with disabilities, as well as to support community policing and other activities.icon link
  • [2 April 2020] The cash transfer of $100 per person has been offered to Elderly Benefit and Disability Benefit receivers, in addition to regular benefits.icon link
  • [19 May 2020] The Government has increased monthly payments to older persons and persons with disabilities to assist them in mitigating the impact of COVID-19.icon link
  • [16 December 2020] The World Bank has committed $30 million to aid the state in supporting the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the wake of COVID-19 and Cyclone Harold. The funding will be used for social welfare payments.icon link

Last modified: 6 May 2021

Useful links

Official website(s) on COVID-19

Disability focal point

  • Social Protection and Disability Division, Ministry of Internal Affairs: